Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Senior Year



But it gets better. You read books and eat burgers with friends and listen to good music and get distracted by Youtube.

And it gets better.

Monday, August 29, 2016

The Summer Before Senior Year

.... is really coming to an end, and these days, I'm trying to remember all the past versions of myself. The seventh and eighth grade blogger, the ninth grade blue-haired girl, the tenth grade insecure girl, the eleventh grade freaked out girl, the twelfth grade yet to be determined.

IDK, this is the first time I've come on here in a year, and each time I feel different. There was a time when I wanted only to be skinny and pretty and amazing at everything I did. I think that part of me is still there (Ivies lol), but I'm learning to aspire for more. Learning to take in the moment, eat burgers with my friends, live life and love it too.

It's almost 1 A.M., and of course I'm still not asleep yet. But this is real, this is me a year later, a little wiser, a little more hopeful for the things to come.

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